Greetings, Crypto Anons!

Fed up with getting rugged in your crypto ventures? Akira feels your pain. That's why we're on a mission to weed out the bad actors and spotlight the legit projects. With Akira, you get a platform that not only boosts trustworthy projects but also spices up the game for token communities. Jump on board and let’s make crypto fun and fair again!

Akira Crash Game

Prepare to immerse yourself in a game where winning tokens is not just possible, but a thrilling adventure. Our innovative platform will allow users to stake their tokens into the game prize pool and profit when the house profits. House edge is set at 1% to ensure fairness and quality gaming experience for all of our users.

Akira Swap

Akira provides a straightforward and transparent token-swapping experience for our community, with absolutely no hidden fees. Find all the essential tools you need in crypto, conveniently located in one spot.

Akira Ads

Akira unlocks new revenue streams by allowing token projects to list their adverts on our site for free, boosting their exposure. Trending boosts and community promotions are available at significantly reduced rates when paid with $Akira tokens, which enhances our transaction volume and liquidity over time. Additionally, a share of the advertising revenue will be funnelled into the crash game's liquidity pool as required, giving users the chance to win tokens and continuously energize the ecosystem.